Global Consulting Program

Director: Prof Antonio Palestrini

GCP is run jointly by the Faculty of Economics “G. Fuà” and the Ohio College of Business, Athens, Ohio.

The aim of the project is to enhance the students’ intercultural experience and the ability to work in an international context.

European students are teamed with American students to do business consulting, solving real business problems for real companies. Business professors of the two Universities and clinical faculty act as advisors to the teams.

The project starts at the end of June with the visit to the client, is full time and lasts two weeks, at the end of which the recommendations are formally presented to the management of the company

Students that successfully complete the program are awarded 9 credits.

What is the purpose of the project?


  • To get a hands-on experience on solving a REAL business problem;
  • To integrate theoretical learning with practical application;
  • To prepare an action-oriented report a consultant would present to a client for money;
  • To effectively work in a cross-cultural team;
  • To develop appreciation and sensitivity to cross-cultural business environment;
  • To develop personally by managing yourself in an unfamiliar environment in a short time.

How will I learn?

  • By self discovery and research;
  • By your interaction with team members;
  • By your interaction with faculty team coaches;
  • By your interaction with business executives.

What will I do?

  • You will be assigned a broad, unstructured business problem;
  • Identify relevant questions that you must find answers to so that you can address the business problem;
  • Prepare an action-oriented report of your recommendations;
  • Make a persuasive presentation of your recommendation to the client;
  • Reflect on the learning experience.

For application deadlines, selection criteria and other information please contact