Settimana Zero | 16-20 September 2024 | Facoltà di Economia "Giorgio Fuà"

Due to the weather alert, the mathematics course on Thursday 19 September is cancelled.
On Friday the mathematics course will take place online.


“Settimana 0” (Orientation Week) is a welcoming and integration initiative dedicated to new students in the “Giorgio Fuà” Faculty of Economics.

The program involves the participation of teaching staff who will show the new students the organisation of the university and the courses offered as well as giving useful advice on how best to manage your university career.
Tutors and faculty staff will also be on hand, giving guided tours of the labs and the university facilities to show the features and opportunities offered by the University Service Centres.

The program also includes a Maths Preparation Course, helpful for first year courses. We strongly advise you to attend this course to ensure all students have the correct knowledge base necessary for the curricular courses.


  • 16/09/2024 – 14.30-17.30
  • 17/09/2024 – 14.00-18.00
  • 18/09/2024 – 09.00-13.00
  • 19/09/202  - 09.00-13.00
  • 20/09/2024 -  09.30-12.30

For further details, download the event schedule.

Participation is subject to REGISTRATION, done by filling out the ONLINE QUESTIONAIRE by 13 September  2024

For further information: